"Companies need to focus their Export strategy on Growth markets having a plan for the Bric's is vital"
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SCHOTT to rely on strong core businesses and further growth in Asia in 2012
2012-03-02 source http://www.schott.com
Home Tech and Pharmaceutical Systems divisions the growth driversNew plants and partnerships expected to strengthen the business in AsiaFiscal year 2010/2011: rise in sales to €2.88 billion and annual net profit in the hundreds of millions.The international technology group SCHOTT will be seeking to defy the slowdown in economic growth with the help of its strong core businesses, continued innov
China's machinery market undergoing change
2012-02-27 source http://tinyurl.com/boschrexroth
Chinese mechanical engineers are penetrating the high-end sectorIn just a few years, China has secured the top position as the world's largest mechanical engineering nation and at the same time become the biggest sales market for machinery. Following a phase of rapid growth, a paradigm shift is underway: Purely quantitative growth is increasingly being replaced by qualitative growth. This applies
Brazil and its Transformation into a dynamic economy
2012-02-24 source own
With a lot of the western world still struggling to find growth its not surprising that many companies are turning their attention to expanding their business in the Bric countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Not so long ago Brazil was groaning under the weight of a un-affordable depth, lurching from one crisis to another and its only way out were financial support from the I
India and EU move towards free-trade pact
2012-02-24 source own
EU and India advance negotiations on economic cooperation and future free-trade pact, and agree on further energy and research collaboration.The EU and India stepped up cooperation on trade, energy and research at their meeting in New Delhi on 10 February.The EU was represented by European Council president Herman Van Rompuy and Commission president José Manuel Barroso.Trade cooperationThe EU and
China’s economy to grow by 8.5 percent
2012-02-24 source own
Beijing, Feb 24 (IANS) China’s economy will grow by 8.5 percent in 2012, a think-tank has said.It faces a significant downward pressure this year due to complicated situations, said Li Wei, director of the State Council’s Development Research Centre.China’s annual export growth is likely to slow to 10 percent from 20.3 percent in 2011, as the global economic outlook has been shadowed by slow
General Motors to invest $1 bn in Brazil plant
2012-02-24 source own
Sao Paulo, November 19th, US automobile giant General Motors (GM) plan's to invest $1 billion in Brazil to avoid in their Latin American unit the kind of problems it is facing at home, EFE reported Wednesday.According to Jaime Ardila, chief of GM Brazil-Mercosur, the funding will come from the bailout package from the US government and will be used to “complete the renovation of the line of prod
Bosch Rexroth Targeting Qualitative growth in China
2012-01-17 source http://alturl.com/rdctz
The figures reflect the inexorable growth: By the end of this year at the latest, China is expected to overtake Japan as the world’s second largest economy. According to a study by Alix Partners, the Chinese mechanical engineering industry posted a sales volume of more than USD 300 billion in 2010 alone. This makes China by far the biggest mechanical engineering nation in the world. At the same
Burberry 4th quarter sales increase by 21% in China
2012-01-17 source own
UK Brand Burberry has just announced that 2011 4th quarter sales increased by 21% with a large percent of the rise in sales coming from China. Revenue at Burberry in the last quarter of 2011 was over £ 570 million with sales from China up by 30%.In China's Bric Partner Brazil Burberry has recently opened up its 3rd shop in Sao Paulo and is sure to increase its out lets across the Bric region to s
Bric's Region leading recovery for Machine Tools
2012-01-16 source own
The global economic crisis effected most Industry’s between 2008 and 2009 the machine tool industry suffered due to a slowdown in global production. As capital expenditure grew in key industries in 2010 the machine Tool Industry bounced to recapture the ground it lost during the slowdown and the Bric region was a key driver of this growth.The Industry's which are particularly showing stron
London looks to be a Hub for trading in yuan
2012-01-16 source own
The government of the UK and the City of London are putting in place plans to ensure that London becomes a major Hub in the trading of the Chinese Currency Yuan and associated Yuan Financial products once capital flow restrictions are further loosened. "London is perfectly placed to act as a gateway for Asian banking and investment in Europe," said UK Chancellor George Osborne. The government’s
China and Germany and there growing trade
2012-01-16 source own
China and Germany the world's two countries with the the largest trade surpass have built up strong trade partnerships over the last few years and the growing trade between China and Germany will continue for 2012 and the foreseeable future. In 2009 China pasted Germany to become the world's leading exporter and in 2010 China replaced Japan as the World's largest economy and its predicted by 2020
Britain's Trade to Bric Region grows
2012-01-12 source own
Britain achieved positive growth of 2.3% for exports to the Bric region for 2011, trade grew particularly well in China and India. The British government is making great efforts to improve Business across all the Bric Partners and expects UK companies to see even better growth in Russia, Brazil and South Africa as well as China and India in 2012.
Bric region has 4 of the top 8 Holder's of Forex
2012-01-12 source own
The Bric region can claim 4 of the top 8 positions as holders of Forex reserves and if you add Hong Kong then it would be 5 spots taken by the Bric countries.China is the number one holder of Forex reserves with US$3.2 Trillion which grew by 4.2% from the same period in 2010. China's Brics Partners also hold dominant positions in Foreign Currency holdings with Russia holding US$ 460 Billion and is
Machine Tools market in China
2012-01-09 source own
The Machine Tools market in China is expected to increase by over 12% for 2012 to be worth over US$ 28 billion in 2012. The machine tool market expansion in China will ensure China remains the worlds most attractive market for the Machine Tools industry. China is the World's largest consumer of machine Tools as well as the world's largest producer of machine Tools. Currently Japanese machine tool
Caterpillar expanding in China
2012-01-09 source own
Caterpilla Inc the world's leading manufacture of Construction and Mining equipment is expanding its Asian headquarters for RD in China to facilitate growth across the Asia-Pacific market.Caterpillar set up its Wuxi center in 2009 and will create engine test faculties and labs for fuel systems, electronics, hydraulics among others at its center and the expansion is expected to be finish by June 20
Rolls Royce Motor Cars: China leading market for 2011
2012-01-09 source own
Rolls Royce Motor Cars has just announced an increase in sales for 2011 of 31%, a large percentage of this increase in revenue has come from sales to the Bric countries and in particular China. China is the world's largest Auto market and with the love of Luxury brands in China then it comes as no surprise that British made Luxury Car manufacturer Rolls Royce are experiencing excellent sales in th
Bric Countries are serious about Electric Vehicles
2012-01-09 source own
BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China are heading the tables for there purchase power in many products groups and BricPartner expects this to be so for there purchase of Electric Vehicles over the coming years. With in the Bric Countries as they do not have such a strong car culture consumers with in Brazil, Russia, India and China show more flexibility in there choice of po
China's Reminbi heading towards reserve status
2012-01-03 source own
China's Reminbi is moving towards becoming a reserve currency as China realise the advantages of challenging the world's most important currency the US$ Dollar. With in the next 5 to 10 years the growing stature of the Reminbi will see it become a credible alternative to supplement the US$ as a global reserve currency.Today China has 3 Trillion dollars of trade which
Brazil is now the 6th largest economy in the world
2012-01-03 source own
Brazil is now officially the 6th largest economy in the world having just overtaken the UK according to a leading economic research group.The report issued by The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) stated the Brazilian economy grew 7.5% and its GDP is now worth: $2.52tn. Brazil overtaking the UK to be the 6th largest economy is part of a growing trend as we see the Bric Partne
China has launched its own Global Positioning System (GPS).
2012-01-03 source own
China’s own Global Positioning System (GPS) has just become operational according to officials in China.The GPS system in China is called Beidou which translates as Plough, or Big Dipper officials stated that the system is accurate to the nearest 10 meters and can measure speeds within 0.2 meters per second. China has launched enough satellites to cover the whole of China and plans to launch a f
Bric Countries leading in "F-commerce"
2012-01-02 source own
Most Businesses are familiar with the term E-commerce which means selling online but western companies are falling behind companies in the Bric region in the use of behind "F-commerce" which is selling through the use of social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter. Two recent surveys suggest that companies in the Bric region up take on using social media to reach new and existing custom
Siemens and Shanghai Electric in joint venture for Wind Power market in China
2011-12-22 source own
China is the Worlds largest Wind market and to better serve the Chinese market the German company Siemens and Shanghai Electric from China will form a joint venture. Shanghai Electric will have a 51% stake and Siemens a 49% stake in the new partnership. The main focus of the joint venture will be joint R&D and production of wind turbine equipment for the Chinese market and for Siemens’ globa
Russian Zvezdochka Shipyard and Wartsila to Sign Joint Venture Agreement
2011-12-22 source http://www.wartsila.com
Russian Zvezdochka Shipyard and Finland’s Wartsila are intending to sign a joint venture agreement in February-March 2012.Relying on its propeller production, Zvezdochka Shipyard will establish a center of propulsion systems manufacturing. The center will combine the production capabilities of the Severodvinsk shipyard and its affiliates Design Bureau “Screw” and pilot plant “Vega”.Zvezd
German arms industry looking to export more to the Bric region
2011-12-22 source own
With domestic demand for arms and Military products decreasing and with demand within NATO and the EU also in decline the German arms and Military industry is lobbying hard for the permits and rights to Export more to developing markets in particular the Bric Countries. Increasing pressure is being put on the German federal government to grant permits for arms and military equipment which will hel
ICT markets of the BricPartners
2011-12-21 source own
With the world markets still in turmoil its the Bric countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China which other the best growth market for ICT Industry. It's estimated that the ICT market in the Bric region has grown by 10% since 2011. Its expect that the 4 main Bric Partners will continue to see impressive growth for the next 5+ years. The ICT industry within the Bric group is worth
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