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ICT markets of the BricPartners

With the world markets still in turmoil its the Bric countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China which other the best growth market for ICT Industry. It's estimated that the ICT market in the Bric region has grown by 10% since 2011. Its expect that the 4 main Bric Partners will continue to see impressive growth for the next 5+ years. The ICT industry within the Bric group is worth € 421 Billion Euro's for 2011 and should increase by 10 to12% for 2012.
BricPartner estimates that the Bric region's growth rate equals about 4% of the global increase in the ICT sector for 2011 so its an important trading group for any company wanting to increase its market share the Bric countries cannot be ignored . China is the World's third largest ICT market with a total market share in excess of 8%. As the more traditional markets for ICT technology growth is declining large and SME ICT companies are starting to focus more on developing business within the BRIC Trade group which is thus becoming their driver for growth. The largest segment of the High-Tec ICT industry within the Bric nations is the Telecommunication sector which accounts for just over 73% of the overall market share with information Technology(IT) accounting for 27% of the overall revenue for the ICT industry in the Bric Countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China.
India is the fastest growing ICT market out of the BricPartners and has grown by 15% since 2011 and is expected to have faster growth for 2012 to closer to 18%. The Software Industry tends to be the fastest growing sector of the ICT industry in India which grew by 17% in 2011. The ICT Industry in India is worth over 68 million Euros. Not only is India a good market for ICT Technology and Software but Indian companies are also becoming strategic Partners for the Whole Indian Subcontinent and Asian region.
China is the largest market for ICT technology from the Bric group and is the 3rd largest global ICT market. Total trade and revenue for the ICT Industry in China is 207 billion Euros for 2011 which represents just under 50% of the total for the whole Bric group. The China ICT market has grown by 11% in 2011 and we are expecting similar growth for 2012. The IT sector is expected to outperform the Telecommunication sector in 2012 with the IT sector growing by 12% and the Telecommunication technologies and service sector by 9%.
Brazil has profited the most in the last 10 years from being a member of the Bric trade Partnership as it has seen its economy develop rapidly over this period of the Bric Partners coming together. It's expected that the ICT market will grow by 6.5% in 2011 and 7 to 8% since 2012. An estimate of the worth of the ICT Industry in Brazil for 2011 is € 89 billion Euros which makes Brazil the second largest market for the industry out of its Bric trade partners.
The Russian ICT market has seen the 2nd Largest growth in 2011 at 11% overall and this is set to increase in 2012 to closer to 13% now that Russia has joined the WTO. The market value for the ICT in Russia is € 57 Billion Euro’s and this figure should reach to over 64 billion by the end of 2012. The biggest selling computer vendor in Russia is ASUS the Taiwan company followed by Acer also of Taiwan and HP wsa from the US. The fastest selling ICT technology is Mobile PC's followed by Desktops it's estimated that a total of 4 million units were sold in Russia in 2011.
The conclusion for growth in the ICT Industry in the Bric region is that if you're a Company is in this Industry then you need to have a plan in place to help your company achieve results in the Bric Region. Whether your a manufacture with a brand or you specialize in OEM/ODM there are excellent opportunities for the ICT Industry with in the Bric countries. As long as you establish strong Partners who know the market and the ICT industry then your company can be part of the strongest growing ICT market in the Bric region.
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