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Bosch Rexroth AG
Bosch Rexroth is one of the world’s leading specialists in the field of drive and control technologies. Under the brand name of Rexroth the company supplies more than 500,000 customers with tailored solutions for driving, controlling and moving. As The Drive & Control Company, Bosch Rexroth develops, produces and sells components and systems in more than 80 countries in the technology fields Electric Drives and Controls, Industrial Hydraulics, Mobile Hydraulics , Linear Technology, Assembly Technology and Pneumatics. What Rexroth Offers Drive and control solutions from Rexroth fill jam jars and ensure that the daily newspaper goes to print. On the way to work by car, with the engine, gearbox and body manufactured using Rexroth technology, the journey passes by fields being tilled by agricultural machinery using Rexroth hydraulics, wind farms with Rexroth transmissions and building sites where excavators and bulldozers are at work using Rexroth components. With machinery in factories, furniture and computers in offices, basically in virtually every product manufactured in industry, Rexroth contributes towards efficient production. Incidentally, this also applies to cultural events: Rexroth automation solutions move and control the stage technology in the major opera houses and theaters across the world. Rexroth is only able to cover this broad spectrum with customized solutions because its employees are also open to new ideas and are constantly seeking better solutions.