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Snapshot: The Brics Region

The Brics 5 countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.
• 5 Brics countries represent 25% of the world’s landmass.
• Brics region has 42% of the world’s population of over 3 billion people.
• Currently the Brics represents 17% of all global trade.
• The Brics Combined GDP is 19 Trillion dollars with China accounting for close to 50% of this.
• Its forecast that by 2025 Brazil, Russia, India and China will account for more than 50% the half of the G6.
• China expected to have the highest GDP pasting the US by 2018-2020.
• China is the number 1 trade partner for more countries than any other surpassing the US in 2011/2012.
• Over the next 5 years the combine growth of the Brics region is expected to grow by an average of over 7.5% each year from 2013-2018.
• Since 2008 The 4 Brics countries Brazil, Russia, India, China have had a summit each year the Brics 5th summit was in Durban 26-27 March 2013, South Africa joined the Bric group in 2011.
• By 2020 Brazil, Russia, India and China will all be in the top 10 largest economies of the world.
• The Brics countries have a combined trade to Africa of $ 340 billion of which China does $ 200 billion of this trade.
• In 2009 over 45% of the world’s Growth came from Brazil, Russia, India and China.
• The strengths of the Brics, China dominates manufacturing, India Services, Russia and Brazil Raw materials.
• The Brics countries hold combined foreign currency reserves of over $ 4 trillion dollars.Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and BricPartner is not responsible for any errors.
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