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Improvements in Brazil Infrastructure

The Brazilian government alongside private equity is investing heavily in improving Brazil's infrastructure and the Brazilian transport sector is seen as a priority. With the World cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016 investment is steady increasing to meet the requirements of these events.
Brazil has a challenge to improve its airports, roads and other associated infrastructure to meet the expect standards of these prestigious events and to ensure the Transport Hubs are built/improved on time and all the network links are interconnected to ensure the the efficient and safe movement of people and goods. There is a lot of private money both local and international that is interested in opportunities to invest in projects to Construction and improve Brazil's infrastructure. The question is with the current government regulatory requirements and the Brazilian governments own Investments are these going to crowd out private investments in such projects? There is a lot of money available from Private investors to invest the key question is time and whether these funds can be invested quick enough to finish projects in time for the 2014 World cup and the 2016 Olympics.
The Airport at Rio and Sao Paulo need to be greatly upgraded and the connecting infrastructure to these key hubs also need to be built/upgraded and to make this happen faster the Brazilian Government needs to free up red tape and ensure it improve plans quicker to help investment funds flow and ensure infrastructural projects are completed on time.
The Benefits of Brazil improving its infrastructure will bring great benefits to the Brazilian economy as a whole as better Transportation Hubs and roads will help make the movement of people and goods in Brazil more efficient which will be of hugh economic benefit to this Bric Partner.
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