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Growth in Russia's agriculture industry

In almost all areas of agriculture Russia has been an increase performance and an increase in output, said Agriculture Minister Yelena Skrinnik on Saturday at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
Responding to a question, what about the harvest, she said that over the past six months, "according to the common indicators in the framework of the state program we are having a positive trend of development: plus 0.7 percent across agriculture."
"It is noted increase in the gross output of agriculture," - added the Minister. Speaking of harvesting, Skrinnik reported that "As of today, 17 million tons of grain." "And yield - 36 tons per hectare," - she said, recalling that in 2009 the figure was 31 quintals.
"It is particularly important that we have planted more potatoes, and at harvest in terms of potato production will be more than 29 per cent of the sugar beet - plus 40 per cent. Therefore, plant growing - a positive trend, and the prognosis that exists - 85-90 million tons - I think we will do ", - assured the head of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Referring to the animal, she said that "there is also a positive development, especially for the production of poultry meat." "Today is a plus 3.8 percent, that is - 169,000 tons. Thus, in the year we will reach 400,000 tons plus. And for the Doctrine of food security, where we have to provide for themselves by 85 percent, we will be able to do it in 2012 by 89 percent ", - said Skrinnik.
"For pork, we also is on the rise. Therefore, the amount of 400 thousand tons by the end of the year thanks to the real complexes, which will be introduced - continued the Minister. - And this, for example, "Agribusiness", "Prioskolye", "Cherkizovo" - large investment projects that by the end of the year will be over. They will give us a complex 400,000 tons for poultry and pork. "
At the same time Skrinnik informed the Prime Minister that on milk "because of the drought last year, is a slight decrease, but the commodity milk we grow." "This has been possible thanks to the fact that the stable purchase prices for processors that purchase raw milk from agricultural organizations, on average, they account for 15 rubles", - explained the head of the Ministry of Agriculture. She also noted a trend toward "increasing the investment attractiveness of dairy cattle, so the commodity milk we go with a plus in the volume of production." "I think that by the end of the year we stabilize the situation," - said the Minister.
Putin said that "the producers, processors - and the first and second - should carefully watching to see that the prices are fair." Skrinnik said that "15 rubles - this is enough." "Last year it was 13 rubles on average, but due to the signed agreement, we will stabilize the situation and, of course, (because of) the support of the measures that have been in the industry" - said the Minister, handed IATR-TASS.
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