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China’s Growth better then expected

China the world’s second largest economy and the largest trade partner in the Bric group has reported better than expected trade figures for December 2012 adding confidence to market analysis that China’s economy is rebounding.
When compared to December 2011 exports grew by over 14.1 % and imports increased by 6.1% from the same period last year indicating a strong domestic demand.
The increase in exports is practically good news as it shows demand for Chinese made goods overseas. Europe and the US are China’s Biggest Trade Partners with these markets rebounding slightly part of this increase in export demand has come from here but the markets were China is showing the strongest growth in Exports is in its Bric Partners Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa and also in other emerging Asian, African and Latin American countries. China's trade with Russia increased by 11.1%, Brazil 2%, India 5.5% and South Africa 6.2% taking Russia to China trade now to be worth over US$ 88 billion for 2012 and trade with Brazil just under US$86 billion for last year
BricPartner states “that a slowdown in China has been a concern for many China watches but with December figures analysis expect better growth in China for 2013 when compared to 2012 estimated 7.6% GDP growth”.
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