"Companies need to focus their Export strategy on Growth markets having a plan for the Bric's is vital"
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Bric Countries and Business Opportunities

The Business World is fundamentally changing and no group of countries is changing faster then the Bric Region which represents the countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Globalization is creating Opportunities faster then at any time since the industrial revolution for new business in and from the high growth emerging markets.
The Bric region is growing at between 7 and 11+ % and if your company is not already involved in doing business in the Bric Region then it's hard to appreciate the Hugh scale of business opportunities for companies of all sizes to develop business in the Bric group of countries.
CEO and CFO of major multinationals have known the potential of doing business in the Bric region for some time and many of the worlds leading companies are well established in the Bric countries with their own offices and production facilitates in this region. Now we very much see a big influx of Medium to smaller (SME) companies looking to do business within the bric countries. The typical route for Medium to SME companies is by finding a local partner who has the experience and knowledge in their own market, this ensures companies get a safer route to market and more importantly a local Partner who is there on the front-line creating business Opportunities for them. BricPartner has the experience and market knowledge to help companies of all sizes establish a strong network of Partners across the Bric region through its unparalleled Partner search project and therefore provides the most efficient and effective route for any company looking for Partners in the Bric region..
At the moment Bric countries comprise about 40% of the world's population and 25% of the worlds GDP with a combined GDP of over US $18.5 Trillion. China will be the worlds number 1 economy by 2020 if not before and in China over the last 20 years we have seen the worlds strongest growth ever. Within the next 25 years India will have over 25% of the world's workers and has positioned its self as the words back office and service center. Many Western companies particularly in the financial, Telecom and ITC industrial sectors have set up their back office functions and service centers in India this is greatly due to a well educated, English speaking, technology literate and well motivated workforce within India. Brazil is set to be the 6th Largest economy in the world and Brazil's strong growing middle class who are hungry to spend is creating excellent opportunities for Western brands and technology. It's estimated that by 2030 the E7 (Bric, Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey) will be 25% larger in terms of GDP than the current G7.
The number one thing to get right when looking to develop business in the Bric region is picking the right Partners who can offer the right support, market knowledge, connections and advice for doing Business in their Country. As a company you will need to research, visit, listen and build relationships in this region which takes time and Money or you could take the most cost effective and efficient route to enter the Bric market and that’s through BricPartner who will help your company realize its full potential in the Bric region. BricPartner specializes in Partner search, research, consultancy, promoting and search marketing in the Bric region. Whether these are your first steps or your well established in the Bric region then we will support you and your Business in developing business in the Bric countries.
Are you doing enough Business in the Bric region ?
BricPartner the Business Partner search experts for the Bric region