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Bentley sales powering ahead in China

In 2002 when the British motoring icon Bentley entered the Chinese market it only sold 41 cars, In 2010 Bentley delivered 815 vehicles to China. For 2011 sales increased by over 84% compared to 2010 with a total of 1103 cars sold in the first 9 months of 2011.
For the first time in Bentley History it sold more cars in China than in the UK in 2011 as wealthy Chinese purchase the VW owned brand where the average Bentley sells for $ 600 000 dollars. Bentley sells its cars through a total of 13 dealerships in China. 4 of the Chinese dealerships are amongst the top 10 dealerships for Bentley, its Beijing dealership has the largest sales across the globe. Bentley is also looking for expansion in China's BricPartners Russia and Brazil as an opportunity to grow the Bentley brand in the Bric region and develop business in the Bric countries.
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