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ABB Automation and Opportunities in China

China's 12th 5 year plan Energy efficiency and the use of Renewable Energy resources has been indicated as a key area in China to develop and invest. This Focus has created excellent business opportunities for ABB Automation in China. With the rapid industrialization of China over the years ABB has been an important player in the Energy efficiency and Renewable Energy market for its range of Automation Technologies. For the last 0 years China has focused a lot of investment in improving Energy Efficiency in Industry, Commercial sector and the efficient use of Energy in the Residential sector as well.
With ABB Automation full range of products it's very well placed to help China achieve its targets for more Energy efficiency. ABB technologies such as Drive Technologies, Energy efficient Motors, HVDC Power technologies are all very successful and a great contributor to China's Energy efficiency drive.
ABB Automation is Targeting a wide range of Industries and focusing on each industry’s individual need. ABB Automation works in Industries such as Cement, Aluminium, Marine, Mining, Power and Energy and focuses on the different needs and demands of this industry’s in China. With ABB worldwide experience in all these industry’s this will only further ABB successful drive to help China in becoming more Energy efficient.
ABB is having great success in utilizing its full range of Energy Efficiency Technologies to the China market and the products it sells to China are mostly made in China which enables ABB to be more effective in the market place. In Renewable s ABB is just starting to push out its recent investment in Concentrated Thermal Solar with Linear Fuel Cell Technologies and its just starting to look for opportunities to develop Business for this range of products as it does in Germany.
For ABB China is a key market and currently its either its Primary or Secondary market and will possibly be its leading market in the near future which very much depends what happens in the US market as China Develops. With the rapid growth in China and its recent commitment in CO2 reduction ABB expects China will be its number 1 market for its Automation and Energy efficiency technology for many years.
For 2011 ABB Power and Automation Business have been very strong in China and it expects to remain very strong for its Business in China in 2012.
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