"Companies need to focus their Export strategy on Growth markets having a plan for the Bric's is vital"
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Brazil: Direct selling consumer goods to Brazil
2013-03-16 source own
Brazil is the type of country that sellers of consumer products love; Brazil is the world’s 6th largest economy bigger than the UK with 3 times the amount of population. In the last 15 years the Brazilian Economy has more than doubled, income has nearly tripled; over 40 million Brazilians have been pulled out of poverty now wealthy Brazilians are flexing their financial muscle and turning
UK Hydro International wins order wins order to supply its stormwater management and treatment products to Russia
2013-03-16 source own
Russian company Ecoline has signed an agreement with Hydro International to supply stormwater management and treatment products to Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.With this agreement Ecoline will distribute stormwater management and treatment products including the Hydro-Brake Optimum, Stormcell stormwater storage, and Downstream Defender advanced hydrodynamic separator.With the rapidly d
India: Sail to double iron production capacity
2013-03-13 source own
The Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) which is state owned has announced plans to nearly double its iron ore production capacity by investing nearly US$ 2 billion in its faculties. Sail currently has a maximum production output of 29 million tonnes and by 2016 it expects to increase this to 46 million tonnes; by 2020 SAIL expects its maximum iron production capacity to be nearly 57 mil
EUR 150 million loan to mitigate climate change in India
2013-03-13 source http://www.eib.org
The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Exim Bank signed a EUR 150 million loan for financing investments that will contribute to the mitigation of climate change.The EIB loan will make long term financing available for investments that contribute to climate change mitigation through projects in renewable energy and energy efficiency in India implemented by public and private sector companies. The
EBRD President Chakrabarti to visits India
2013-03-13 source http://www.ebrd.com
Will discuss investment opportunities with Indian companies, senior government officialsAuthor(s): Anthony WilliamsDate: 01 March 2013Sir Suma Chakrabarti, the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), will discuss investment opportunities for Indian corporations in emerging democracies during a visit to India from 4-7 March.Estab
Brazilians are leading investors in Miami
2013-03-11 source own
In the last 15 years the Brazilian Economy has more than doubled, income has nearly tripled, over 40 million Brazilians have been pulled out of poverty now wealthy Brazilians are flexing their financial muscle by looking to invest in property outside of the country with a favorite destination being Miami. Miami is a top destination for wealthy investors from Brazil investing in the international p
Tightening technology: Bosch Rexroth takes on direct distribution and service in China
2013-03-04 source http://www.boschrexroth.com
The drive and control expert offers more customer proximity and service to the automotive industry in AsiaFrom distribution to service - Bosch Rexroth now handles its tightening technology in China on its own. Beside the service center and the corporate distribution office in Shanghai, tightening systems are also being configured to customer specifications in Xian as of January 2013. With the dire
AR Packaging Group AB, Lund Sweden, and TCPL Packaging Limited, Mumbai India, have signed a strategic partnership agreement.
2013-03-04 source http://www.ar-carton.com/Solutions
AR Packaging Group AB, Lund Sweden, and TCPL Packaging Limited, Mumbai India, have signed a strategic partnership agreement. The objective of the agreement is mainly in cooperation in the manufacturing, sourcing and sales and marketing in India for the solid folding carton market.Harald Schulz, President and CEO of AR Packaging, says: "We are very happy and we are looking forward to work with TCPL
Sandvik is awarded major order for platinum project in South Africa
2013-03-04 source http://mining.sandvik.com
Sandvik Mining in South Africa is proud to announce that it has been selected by Royal Bafokeng Platinum for its new flagship platinum project, Styldrift, as the key supplier of underground production trackless equipment. Phase 1 of the project generated a single order in the last week of December 2012 for 83 machines comprising mostly of low profile 8 tons LH208 LHDs, DD210-L drill rigs and the o
Yandex the world's 4th Largest Search Engine
2013-02-18 source own
Yandex the Russian based search Engine has knocked Bing off the 4th position to become the 4th largest search engine globally the key to Yandex success is the amount of people in Russia who search in their Russian Language. Google is number 1 in the world, China’s Baidu 2 and Yahoo is 3rd. In November 2012 and December 2012 Bing generated 8 billion search queries and Yandex 9 billion queries.Yan
Russia spent $ 10 Billion on Advertising in 2012
2013-02-15 source own
Last year Russia spent 10 Billion dollars on advertising which up by 13% when compared to 2011. The largest area for money spent on advertising in Russia is on TV but the fastest growing sector is in Internet advertising by the Middle of 2020’s it’s expected that internet advertising will be the largest sector for Money spent on Advertising across Russia .
Growth Markets: German Exports to the Bric Region Growing
2013-02-15 source own
With markets in the Euro Region either flat or in decline Companies from Germany are looking further afield for business growth opportunities with the Bric countries a destination of choice for many large as well as small to medium size companies. Large German companies such as Volkswagen and Siemens have led the hunt for business outside of Europe, but now we see a number of small to midsize comp
Company Press Release : Alfa Laval consolidates manufacturing of boilers in Asia
2013-02-15 source http://www.alfalaval.com
Alfa Laval – a world leader in heat transfer, centrifugal separation and fluid handling has decided to consolidate its manufacturing of boilers in Asia into one cost effective unit in Qingdao, China. The manufacturing in Hai Phong, Vietnam, with 170 employees will be closed during the second quarter of 2013.Alfa Laval acquired Aalborg Industries in May 2011 and the acquisition also included two
Economy: Russia's Potential
2013-02-15 source own
Jim O’Neill who first coined the term Bric to group together four of the world’s largest growth markets Brazil, Russia, India and China is optimistic about the Russian economy as he sees brighter days for the world’s largest country over the next 25 years. Even without dramatic growth rates Russia has the potential to have a far higher per capita GDP than it’s other Bric Partners. De
ABB wins $160 million in orders to provide electrical systems for drill ships in Brazil
2013-02-09 source http://www.abb.de "Photo: ABB."
Energy-efficient and reliable power systems for seven new oil and gas ultra deepwater drilling vessels to be built and operated in Brazil.Feb. 7, 2013 ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, has won orders worth $160 million from Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd. for the design, supply, supervision of installation, testing and commissioning of the main electrical systems for seven next gene
Economy: China Trade figures give the World a Boast
2013-02-08 source own
Better than expected trade figures just released by China have given the Worlds markets a boast showing that China's growth is rebounding from its recent slowdown. China's Exports which are a key indicator of growth was up by 25% for January 2013 in comparison to the same period in 2012, Imports surge to over 28% in the like for like period of last year this again is another excellent indicator of
Sustainable e-waste management, key for future protection of Brazil’s environment
2013-02-08 source http://www.worldbank.org
'' Brazilians became the 10th biggest tablet buyers in the world in 2012. In the third quarter alone, sales topped almost 770,000, a 127% increase compared with the same period in 2011. Demand for Smartphones is on the rise too: 4.2 million were sold in the country after these three months according to IDC, a global technology consultancy.''* A World Bank report analyzes the environmental, h
EBRD launches floating rate Rouble Eurobond
2013-02-08 source http://www.ebrd.com
First linked to ROISfix, a benchmark widely supported by Russia’s Central Bank.Author(s): Richard WallisDate: 30 January 2013The EBRD today launched a 7.5 billion rouble floating rate Eurobond, the first to be linked to the 3-month rate for Russia’s RUONIA Overnight Interest Rate Swaps (ROISfix), a benchmark based on over 85 percent of the Rouble interbank l
Mining: Coal mining production in India to increase by 6% for 2013.
2013-02-07 source http://www.coalindia.in
The World’s Largest Coal Miner Coal India Ltd has just finalized its production targets for this year it will increase the amount of Coal its mines by 6% to 492 million tonnes in 2013. This target has just been finalized after a meeting with India’s Planning Commission.Currently Coal India Ltd which is state owned produces 80% of India’s Coal with this increase in production will go towards
India Modernising its Military
2013-02-07 source own
The Indian Government is one of the biggest spenders on Defence in the World with an annual budget of over $200 billion dollars there are plenty of Military manufactures looking to get a share of the Indian market. With the demand of the ever changing World and India’s growing influence on the World Stage it’s no surprise that modernizing India’s Defense capabilities is a major priority.Last
Groundbreaking Wärtsilä powered FPSO successfully completes full load tests and will commence operations in Brazil’s offshore oil fields in 2013
2013-01-22 source http://www.wartsila.com Photo courtesy of Wärtsilä
The new P-63 Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel featuring Wärtsilä 50DF dual-fuel engines, the first such ship to utilize gas engines to produce more than 100 MWe of power, has successfully completed all the required full 100% load tests. The tests were carried out at the Cosco shipyard in Dalian, China and the vessel will commence operations in Brazil’s offshore oil fiel
Mechel Reports Acquiring Controlling Stake in Vanino Sea Trade Port OAO
2013-01-22 source http://www.mechel.com/news/article.wbp?article-id=B982E09E-86FD-44E6-9945-FD9413856F46
Mechel OAO (NYSE: MTL), one of the leading Russian mining and metals companies, reports acquiring 55% (73.33% of common shares) of Vanino Sea Trade Port OAO. The acquisition was made in line with the company’s strategy of developing its mining division in a bid to expand its export capacities and reduce transport costs in line with planned increases in coal mining volumes.On December 29, 2012, t
Cairn India to increase Oil production
2013-01-22 source own
Cairn India has announced plans to increase its Oil production at its flagship site in the Barmer region in Rajasthan India. Cairn will drill 100 additional wells over the coming 3 years, it’s expected to increase its production to 300 000 barrels of oil a day from its present production of 175 000 bpd.Cairn India has also stated that it will increase its exploration program over the coming year
The Moscow Exchange to float
2013-01-22 source own
Yesterday the Moscow Exchange announced plans to float on its own platform, Shares will be offered to both private and institutional investors in Russia and also to offshore investors and qualified institutions in the US.The Moscow Exchange was formed in 2011 when then Russia’s 2 largest exchanges MICEX and the RTS joined together, The Moscow Exchange is Russia’s main trading platform for stoc
Brazil Infrastructural spending set to increase.
2013-01-22 source own
The Brazilian Government is spending heavily to improve its country's infrastructure. To maintain sustainable growth in Brazil the government plans to rapidly increase the amount of money it will invest to improve and upgrade Brazil's Roads, Airports, Railways and Ports. In recent weeks it announced that it will spend $ 26.5 Billion Dollars on improving its ports such as increased dredging and to
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