"Companies need to focus their Export strategy on Growth markets having a plan for the Bric's is vital"
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Depend Cosmetic AB
Depend Cosmetic manufactures and develops professional nail care products and eye cosmetics. Our mission is to develop, produce and market a safe and modern range of nail care products and eye cosmetics. This range is completely new and innovative as it focuses on items that did not exist yet or ones that needed more attention. The proof of the quality of Depend Cosmetic products lies in the fact that over the past three years no other cosmetic company in Sweden has seen such a substantial increase in sales. Liquid products are manufactured in the Halmstad production facility, located on the west coast of Sweden, while the eyelashes and other products are manufactured in Asia, where the company has its own offices. The company was founded in Sweden in 1952 and at that time worked only with the hairdressing trade. Following a reorganization it created a product range and sales organization for the consumer market, where the main customers are perfumery and cosmetics shops and department stores. The outstanding sales results in the Swedish market encouraged Depend Cosmetic to take the next step, that is to increase export of Depend brand products throughout Europe. | |||